
InVision: Hong Kong Fashion InStyle – Old Friends and New Trends
May 2024

Asia’s leading fashion sourcing platform highlighted such hardy perennials as denim, while also exploring ecoprints and more surreal styles.

Denmark Plans Ban on PFAS in Clothing, Shoes and Waterproofing Agents from July 2026
May 2024

Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment has announced plans to ban per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in clothing, shoes and waterproofing agents intended for consumers from 1 July 2026 onwards. This ban, announced last month, would constitute a first step to an expected broader EU-wide regulation to be enforced from 2027 onwards or later.

New House Bill Seeks to Eliminate Gender Bias in U.S. Tariff Schedule
Apr 2024

Legislation recently introduced in the House would require the U.S. Treasury Department to conduct a study on potential gender bias and regressivity within the U.S. tariff system and report the findings to the U.S. Congress.

New Enforcement Strategy Targets Illicit Textile and Apparel Imports
Apr 2024

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently issued a new strategy to combat illicit trade in textile and apparel products and “level the playing field for the American textile industry, which accounts for over 500,000 jobs and is critical” for U.S. national security.

Clothing Industry in Hong Kong
Apr 2024

Clothing exports in 2023 experienced a 4% year-on-year decline in 2023, and a 47% decrease compared to pre-COVID figures in 2019. As COVID-related restrictions are lifted and the negative impacts of the pandemic gradually subside, firms in the sector are eager to expand their business and reverse the industry’s decline. According to Euromonitor estimates, apparel retail sales grew modestly by 5% in 2023.

Challenges Remain Amid Resurgent Hopes of Middle East Textile Boom
Apr 2024

Although attracted by the growth of the Middle East apparel market, industry players still have reservations regarding logistics and access.

Global Fashion Material Firms Targeting Dubai’s Dynamic Textiles Sector
Apr 2024

The recent International Apparel & Textile Fair underlined the appeal of the UAE as both an underserved market and a unique sourcing hub.

European Parliament Votes to Impose Obligations on Economic Operators in The Textiles Sector
Mar 2024

The European Parliament voted, earlier this month, in favour of an amended Waste Framework Directive (WFD) which will impose new obligations on economic operators in the textiles sector. The draft amendments brought to the European Commission’s original proposal point out that consumers should benefit longer from high quality affordable textiles, and that up to 35% of global microplastics released into the aquatic, terrestrial and marine ecosystems are from synthetic textiles. It is also noted that 73% of clothes and household textiles that are consumed in Europe are imported. Thus, among the new obligations laid down for operators in the textiles sector, the European Parliament has also expressly noted that producers should be made to finance the development of reuse and repair operations.

Garments, Textiles & Accessories - Hong Kong Trade Associations
Mar 2024

This page lists the contact information of Hong Kong trade associations related to garments, textiles and accessories.

PFHxA, Its Salts and Related Substances, Mainly Used in Textile Products, Set to Be Banned
Mar 2024

It was disclosed earlier this month that national representatives from the Member States within the so-called “REACH committee” have officially sanctioned a partial prohibition of PFHxA, a commonly utilised PFAS. This decision comes amidst criticisms directed at the European Commission’s choice to opt for a narrower ban, excluding industrial applications, as campaigners advocated for a broader prohibition.

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