Hong Kong
Booth: CH-E16 | Startup
Product Specification

Smart wheelchair with all-terrain capabilities including stair-climbing, sand, grasslands and uneven surface

Product Description

An innovative stair-climbing electric wheelchair “Tenk” developed with the aim to overcome mobility challenges that the wheelchairs are now facing. It can move on sand, climb staircase and traverse long inclined slope with ease and comfort. With AI technology embedded in the control system, the "Tenk" can avoid obstacles and navigate on different kind of surfaces in a safe and stable manner.

The development work for the "Tenk" wheelchair is exclusively conducted in Hong Kong. It boasts impressive capabilities, including the ability to climb staircases with a maximum incline of 36° and overcome obstacles with a maximum height of 20cm. In comparison, other competitor products typically handle only 10° staircases and 5cm obstacles.

Many wheelchair users have long hope for the day when their wheelchair will effortlessly glide over sandy terrain, ascend staircases, and conquer long inclined slopes. Nevertheless, the limitations imposed by the inaccessibility of these locations will probably lead to social isolation, reduced employment prospects, and consequent mental distress. The potential consequences of the limitations the wheelchair users are facing have thus called for an innovative wheelchair design to address these mobility challenges.

The "Tenk" is the dream solution for many wheelchair users and it is intelligent, light weight, reliable and also much cheaper.