Detox Patch-It
展位編號: 3D-D14 | 公眾館 - 健康、綠色及有機食品


Detox Patch-It supports your body’s own natural capability for removal of toxins through normal channels such as sweat and urine. If these impurities are not effectively removed from the body, they may contribute to the development of aches, pains, fatigue, bloating, headaches, cellulite, digestive issues, skin rashes and a weakened immune system. Over time, toxins in our bodies can lead to chronic conditions and disease.

Why you need to detox

Ideally, our body removes these toxins on its own. However, these natural detoxification processes are hindered by stress, poor diet, unhealthy eating habits, injuries, sleep deprivation and environmental toxins and struggle to maintain the normal cleansing process required for optimal health. Detox Patch-It can help your body get back on track.

Clinically Proven

Nutriworks’ clinical trial entitled “Is Patch-It® better than placebo in alleviating swelling and ache in the lower legs and feet? A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, crossover, sequential trial.” is being published in Dove Press, Open Access Journal on Clinical Trials. It was concluded that “Patch-It had greater efficacy than the placebo in alleviating recurring swelling and aching in the legs and feet, and is well tolerated.”

