Sleep Patch-It
展位編號: 3D-D14 | 公眾館 - 健康、綠色及有機食品




Sleep Patch-It is specially formulated with a calming blend of organic essential oils designed to relax and revitalise. These oils are combined with natural ingredients and the actions of reflexology in the form of easy-to-apply foot patches.

Dermatologist tested

For a soothing, relaxing, restful sleep, thanks to the actions of the key ingredients and a unique calming blend of certified organic essential oils. They include:

Lavender – known to be calming to the nerves, soothing & relaxing;

Sage – balancing & calming properties;

Basil – clearing & strengthening of mind;

Ylang Ylang - comforting to the senses;

Bergamot – relaxing & uplifting;

Bitter Orange Oil – enlivening emotions.

Clinically Proven

Sleep Patch-It was tested in Britain with a group of people suffering from poor sleep quality. In that test, users applied the patches over the course of one month and the results indicated the potential to increase the number of hours rest as well as reduce the number of times the user woke during the night.

Nutriworks’ clinical trial entitled “Is Patch-It® better than placebo in alleviating swelling and ache in the lower legs and feet? A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, crossover, sequential trial.” is being published in Dove Press, Open Access Journal on Clinical Trials.

