
2024 Negative List for Foreign Investment Access to Take Effect in November
Sep 2024

On 8 September, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce released Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2024 Edition). The new list reduces the number of access restrictions from 31 to 29.

China to Launch Pilot Programmes for Biotechnology and Foreign-Owned Hospitals
Sep 2024

On 7 September, the Ministry of Commerce and two other government agencies jointly issued a circular on the expansion of pilot programmes aimed at opening up the medical sector. In order to attract foreign investment and promote the high-quality development of medical-related fields in China, foreign-invested enterprises will be allowed to engage in product registration, marketing and production of cell and gene diagnostic and treatment technology in designated free trade zones.

Mexico Proposes to Update Good Manufacturing Practices for Medical Device Facilities
Sep 2024

Mexico’s Ministry of Health is seeking public input by 24 September on proposed updates to mandatory standard NOM-241-SSA1-2021 on current good manufacturing practices for medical device manufacturing facilities.

New Solutions for Old Problems: The Business of Caring for the Elderly
Sep 2024

Local solutions to global problems are widely evident in Hong Kong, as the city gears up to looking after its most senior citizens.

InVision: ASEAN’s Leading Healthcare Event Goes Big in Bangkok
Sep 2024

Next-generation surgical instruments, recent biotechnology innovations and cutting-edge digital diagnostics on show at Medlab Asia 2024.

On-line Pharmacies and Counterfeit Medicine to Be Examined in USTR Report
Aug 2024

USTR is requesting written submissions by 2 October (rebuttal comments are due by 16 October) to aid in the preparation of its 2024 Notorious Markets List. The agency states that this list will focus on on-line pharmacies and counterfeit medicine.

Hainan’s Free Trade Port: Medical Tourism and the Development of Boao Lecheng Pilot Zone
Jul 2024

People’s health concerns stay with them whether they are on vacation or going about their everyday life. Hainan, the free trade port offering opportunities for relevant overseas service providers to enter the local market, is actively developing its modern services industry and promoting medical tourism as an important sector.

FDA Modifies Medical Gas Regulations
Jun 2024

The FDA has amended the current requirements concerning current good manufacturing practice and post-marketing safety reporting that apply to certain medical gases. The agency has also established regulations regarding certification of designated medical gases and has amended the labelling regulations that apply to certain medical gases.

FDA Amends Rules on Destruction of Medical Devices Denied Entry
Jun 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a final rule that effective 1 July will implement the agency’s authority to destroy medical devices valued at US$2,500 or less that have been refused admission into the U.S.

U.S. Scrutiny of Mainland Chinese Syringes Continues
May 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently provided an update of recent efforts to ensure the safety of mainland Chinese plastic syringes that are marketed in the U.S.

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